Friday, August 19, 2011

Seafood Curry

Seafood Curry

Anytime there’s a football game, you can guarantee there will be food in the Garner home. I asked Dave what he wanted for the Skins game tonight and surprisingly he was craving curry! Well, you don’t have to twist my arm! Any type of curry is extremely simple and takes no more than 15-20 minutes to prep/cook. It’s even easier if you eat it with rice. Just put the rice in the cooker and have it ready when the curry is done.

2 tilapia fillets (about 8 oz)
1 dozen shrimp
8 oz salmon
1 onion (medium slices)
4 garlic cloves (minced/grated)
1 red pepper (sliced)
1 whole lemongrass stalk (2-3 inch diagonal slices)
¼ cup chopped basil
⅓ cup green curry paste (1/4 if you want a milder broth)
½ cup coconut milk (I use Thai Kitchen avail. most grocers. No preservatives)
1 cup whole milk
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp sugar


julienne cucumbers
bean sprouts
crushed peanuts
Sweet Fish Sauce (1 Cup Fish Sauce, 1 1/4 Cup Vinegar, 1 Cup Water , 2 Cups Sugar)

1) Slice tilapia and salmon into 1 inch cubes or strips. Don’t slice too small or it will fall apart while cooking.

2) Mix the curry paste with the coconut milk, milk, fish sauce and sugar. Set aside.

3) Heat oil in a large non-stick skillet on 80% high. When hot, add onion, garlic, red pepper, lemongrass and seafood. Sear the seafood for about 15 seconds and stir. Do not over stir.

4) Add curry mix and basil to the skillet. Cover and reduce heat to medium low to simmer and allow seafood to finish cooking.


Pour over rice, rice noodles or pho noodles and add a generous amount of cucumbers, beans sprouts, crushed peanuts and fresh basil. Also keep some sweet fish sauce dressing on the side to drizzle on top! All you Thai lovers out there should just eat with your eyes closed it’s so good!

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