Monday, July 12, 2010

Tilapia Ceviche with Mango

Tilapia Ceviche with Mango

I made this for us to eat during the World Cup Finals.   Ceviche is a great summer dish that's unbelievably easy and so very delicious.  There's very little cooking involved.  The lime juice does most of the work for you.  Just put all the ingredients together and leave it in the fridge for an hour and a half to two hours.  I barely felt like I was cooking since every step just takes a couple of minutes and in between I was watching t.v. and listening to Gipsy Kings on Pandora. 

This goes great with a garlic and onion rice and grilled steak.  A terrific trio: sweet and tangy ceviche, rich and "garlicky" rice and savory steak.


For Ceviche:

4 Tilapia Filets 
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
4-5 Limes (juiced)
3 Garlic Cloves  (finely minced)
1/2 of a Small Red Onion (thinly sliced)
1/2 of a Mango (cubed)
1/2 TBSP Salt
Crushed Red Pepper and Crushed Black Pepper 

For the Rice:

6 Cups Cooked Rice
1/8 Cup Olive Oil
1/4 Stick Butter
1/2 TBSP Salt
1/2 TBSP Garlic Powder
2-3 Garlic Cloves (minced) - Yes, I know, we LOVE garlic!)
1/2 Cup Yellow/White Onion (diced)

STEP 1:  Rinse off fish and pat dry.  Cut in half lengthwise right down the seam.  You should have two long strips of fish- one thick, one thin. Then cut each strip into medium slivers, anywhere between 1/4 to 1/2 inch.  Don't cut too thin or it will fall apart in the marinade.  But don't cut too thick either or it won't soak up the juices as well.  Place in a glass casserole dish big enough to allow most of the fish to lay flat.

STEP 2: Add lime juice, olive oil, garlic, salt and sprinkle with the crushed red peppers.  Wrap with plastic and refrigerate for one hour. 

STEP 3:  Add onions and mangoes to ceviche.  You should do this about 30 minutes prior to eating so they get to mingle with the juices and fish but still look and taste fresh. 

STEP 4:  When you are ready to eat, use a slotted spoon and place ceviche on a bed of garlic rice.  Make sure the rice is not steaming hot.  Sprinkle with crushed red and black pepper and chopped cilantro.

Garlic-n-Onion Rice:

Cook rice in rice cooker.  In my Tiger Rice Cooker, I fill the rice up to the 3-cup level and add water to just a tad past the 5-cup level.  You want the rice to be a bit drier than asian rice but not undercooked. 

After rice is done (usually takes about 15 minutes), spray non-stick on pan and saute garlic and onions on medium heat.  Make sure not to burn or brown them.  Remove from heat once onions look translucent. 

Spray a large mixing bowl with non-stick and scoop out 6 cups of rice into it.  While the rice is hot, add all ingredients and stir until butter is completely melted.  Okay, how ridiculously easy is that?


  • How to tell when ceviche is done:  Look for change in color from slightly translucent to white and increased firmness.  It's really the same concept as if you were actually cooking it. 
  • How to cut a mango:  I have met several people who don't know how to cut a mango.  It's really easy and can be done in a couple of minutes.  First, peel the skin with a peeler.  The mango has 3 parts, the two sides of flesh on the front and back and the large seed that almost takes up the entire length of the fruit.  After peeling, take a knife and poke at the flesh to determine where the seed is.  Then slice down the length of the fruit right up against the seed.  Do the same to the other side and you now have two large pieces of mango.  You will still have some fruit on the left and right sides of the seed which you can cut off as well and get two slivers of fruit.  


    1. Feedback from Facebook:

      Lucia Alami: "I LOVED this as suggested on Ai's website - on a bed of rice; but my hubby & girls also enjoyed it with some tortilla chips. Either way ... it's a win-win situation! ;)"

    2. Wow great recipe. Thanks a lot for discribe a helpful recipe. It is helpfull for us, We make it by Aroma small rice cooker
